Join me in singing my sorrows into the moon
I, like many people age. At some point I wanted to grow up faster. Become an adult to be treated as one. Then, a week before turning 18 I hid beneath the covers and weeped, terrified to peek my head out and witness what I thought would be a complete change of my life. Spoiler alert, not much changed. I still live with my parents and cover every inch of my room in cute stickers and my latest obsession. I have a full time job now that keeps me occupied, barely giving me the chance of indulging in my leisures with the same energy and attention the me a year ago had.
In my lifetime I’ve witnessed many things that stick with me and leave me feeling like i’ve just been given a glimpse of a future with a hole that only grows bigger the more I age. The biggest of them is the fear those older then me have of growing older. This especially runs true for the woman in my life.
With the amount of skincare products aimed towards eternal youth—smoothing wrinkles, erasing smile lines, woman have always been the target to these products as over the years we are constantly shown that by being younger, you’ll be more wanted. Most of the time these products don’t do anything for our benefit besides self assure that part of us that wants to adhere to the ridiculous standards set by the echos of society. Unfortunately I doubt this phenomenon as one way or another it isn’t only the standards that weigh us down, but the memories of our younger years. The carefree childhoods where you could care less about the next president and only wanted to make sure your barbie had the best outfit for the pool party she was going to.